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Jean Marie Le Pen Israel

Marine Le Pen: A New Era for France's Far-Right

Moving Away from Anti-Semitism

Under the leadership of Marine Le Pen, France's far-right party has undergone a significant transformation. Her father, Jean Le Pen, was known for his openly antisemitic views and comments. However, Marine Le Pen has distanced herself from these views, pledging to be protective of French Jews.

Focusing on Immigration and Radical Islam

Instead of focusing on antisemitism, Marine Le Pen has shifted the party's rhetoric towards limiting immigration and cracking down on radical Islam. This has appealed to a broader base of voters, who are concerned about these issues.

Breaking from the Past

The change in the party's stance is a striking departure from the past. Jean Le Pen was notorious for his offensive remarks and was convicted for inciting racial hatred.

Court Ruling

Recently, a French court cleared Jean Le Pen of charges related to antisemitism, although he remains controversial.

Wider Support

Marine Le Pen's shift away from antisemitism has helped her party gain wider support, as demonstrated by the large antisemitism march in Paris.

It remains to be seen whether Marine Le Pen's new approach will ultimately lead to electoral success. However, it is clear that she has made a significant change in the party's image and agenda.
